Engaging, embracing and empowering children & teens, individuals, couples and families 

“Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible - the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family.”

~Virginia Satir

Counseling Services

Child/Teen/Adult Counseling

  • Anxiety,

  • Depression

  • Attachment Issue (Early Childhood & Developmental Trauma)

  • Transition (Adoption, Immigration, Divorce),

  • Self Esteem

  • Grief & loss

  • Parent Coaching

  • Peer/Family relationships

Couples Counseling

  • Conflict resolution,

  • Communication style

  • Intimacy

  • Family of origins issues

  • Interracial couple

  • Premarital couple

*bilingual service (Korean & English)

한국어 상담

  • 대상:아동/청소년/성인/부부 및 가족

  • 분야: 불안증, 우울증, 관계회복,적응과정, 부모코치, 부부관계 회복

    *영어가 편한 자녀, 배우자, 한국어가 편한 부모, 배우자를 위한 이중언어 상담

Community Services

Emotion Coaching Class

  • Expectant parents

  • Preschoolers

  • Elementary school kids

  • Teens

  • Young adults

Cultural Consultation

I provide a cultural consultation for therapists or teachers who want to get cultural sensitive understanding about AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander).

One day training for Parents with Anxious kids & teens

Helping Parents with Anxious Kids